Basic Information

Name: Odinaka Joy

Professional Title: Software Engineer

What I do: Code, Mentor, Speak

Location: Nigeria

Socials: @dinakajoy

Short Bio

A Software Engineer passionate about coding, open source and education

Medium Bio

A Software Engineer passionate about coding, open source and education

She mentors and coach beginners in web development. She also loves speak and write about tech, open source, software engineering and the web, hence she spends time uploading quality contents to her blog.

Long Bio

Odinaka Joy is a Software Engineer based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She loves to build websites and infrastructures.

She mentors and coach beginners in web development. She also loves speak and write about tech, open source, software engineering and the web, hence she spends time uploading quality contents to her blog.

Odinaka Joy is passionate about coding, open source and education and she drives the inclusion for more women and kids in tech. She believes in passion because that keeps one motivated despite all odds. One advice she always gives is "You can do whatever you set your mind on, just keep pushing". Her favourite quote is - "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step".